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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2016

explain the type letter and explain the reason

okay i will post assigments no 2 and 3 of the type letter and explain the reason ? 2. Jenis surat offers adalah menerangkan tentang penawaran kontrak kerja dari perusahaan kepada individu yang melamar ke perusahaan tersebut. Lalu untuk isinya itu berupa perjanjian kerja, peraturan kerja,gaji yang di dapat, beserta tunjangan. Type mail offers is explained about the work of the company’s contract offer to individuals who apply to the company. The for the contents in the form of labor agreements, work rules, salaries in the can, along with the benefits. 3. Alasan saya memilih jenis surat ini karena saya tertarik dan mencari tahu tentang kontrak kerja yang sesungguhnya seperti apa, supaya bisa jadi bahan referensi saya nanti jika saya sudah diterima bekerja di suatu perusahaan agar lebih familiar dengan isi dari perjanjian kerja. The reason I chose this type of letter because I’m interested and find out about the actual employment contract as anything, so that could be a reference...

example letter of offer

okay this is time i will post sample letter of offer of employment for my assignment is subject business english 1 and i hope my writting is helpful for everything thankyou readers. LETTER OF WORK AGREEMENT NO : 270/HRD/XI/2016 The undersigned below : 1.       Name           : Kartika Tiara SPsi Office work     : HRD Manager Address          : Hayamwuruk street103 Jakarta In this case acting on behalf of the directors of PT. Gemilang Jaya, located in Mustopo street No. 901 and here in after referred to as the FIRST SIDE               Name                               : Hery Agustiar SE Place and Date of birth        : Depok, 15 Januari 19...