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example letter of offer

okay this is time i will post sample letter of offer of employment for my assignment is subject business english 1 and i hope my writting is helpful for everything thankyou readers.

NO : 270/HRD/XI/2016

The undersigned below :
1.      Name          : Kartika Tiara SPsi
Office work     : HRD Manager
Address        : Hayamwuruk street103 Jakarta
In this case acting on behalf of the directors of PT. Gemilang Jaya, located in Mustopo street No. 901 and here in after referred to as the FIRST SIDE
             Name                              : Hery Agustiar SE
Place and Date of birth       : Depok, 15 Januari 1994
Last education                  : Sarjana / S1
Gender                             : male
Religion                            : Islam
Address                            : Keduren Jaya no 18 Bekasi
No. KTP/SIM                     : 12345678910
Telephone                        : 087329018769
In this case acting for and on behalf of self and here in after referred to as the SECOND SIDE. 
On this day Monday, the 12th December 2016, the two sides have agreed to bind themselves in a labor agreement with the terms and conditions set forth as follows:
FIRST SIDE states receive SECOND SIDE as an employee in the company of PT. Gemilang Jaya in located mustopo street  no. 901.
 And the SECOND SIDE hereby declare their readiness.

SECOND SIDE will be placed as the Internal Audit on the company’s financial division of PT. Gemilang Jaya.
The trial period wa set for 6 months from the date of entry SECOND SIDE hired.
FIRST SIDE should give basic salaries to the SECOND SIDE for Rp. 7.000.000,00 (seven million) each month to be paid FIRST SIDE on the last date of month after taxes corresponding income tax regulations in Indonesia.
in suitable with apply the labor regulation, amount of effective working hours is 44 hours per week with amount of working days five days each week, starting Monday until Friday, with the detail as follows:
1. Monday until Thursday, entry hours at 8:00 and the curfew is 17:00 with a rest time of 1 hour, at 12.00 until 13.00
2. on Friday, entry hours at 8:00 and the curfew is 17:00 with a rest time of 2 hour, at 11.00 until 13.00
If there is an occupation that must be resolved or urgent and the SECOND SIDE is required to come to work overtime, the FIRST SIDE will pay in return for overtime work in the amount of 100.000,00 (one hundred thousand) rupiah per hour for SECOND SIDE. And then payment of overtime will be accumulation with salary.
Every employee is entitled to leave of absence for 15 days each year according to criteria of the company PT. Gemilang Jaya.

FIRST SIDE to have bear the cost of treatment and care if the SECOND SIDE sick or need of medical care in accordance with the terms, rules and conditions set by the company.
SECOND SIDE expressed willingness to comply with the regulations, and if violated would be liable to termination of employment.
declares the agreement is made, approved and signed in duplicate, the original and a copy ber matrei enough and the same legal force, one heald by the FIRS SIDE and the other for the SECOND SIDE.

Made in Jakarta
Date 12th December 2016

      FIRST SIDE                                                                                            SECOND SIDE                                                                                             

[ ————————- ]                                                                                 [ ———————— ]

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